Friday 27 May 2016

A Work-From-Home "Boss Lady’s" Dress Code

Working from home sounds like a winner to most women. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s without a few downsides. Nearly everyone who dreams of working from home imagines themselves working on the computer in a pair of jogging pants, an oversized t-shirt and slippers (or jammies). You are the CEO. And, as an entrepreneur in your field, you need to use every tool possible to compete for the next deal. To operate your own business, you need a computer, internet access, the skill set necessary to accomplish the jobs you accept and – believe it or not – a dress code. Anywhere else that you worked required that you show up clean, neat and properly dressed. Why? Because every business owner knows that success is half work habit and half self-image. So, set your own dress code and start outfitting your work-at-home apparel to meet that policy. One Woman’s Story An interview with one work-at-home mom who started out as a professional email writer for one marketing firm and expanded her business to include working in online trading with Binary Uno one of the largest global binary options platforms in the world, is a prime example of how setting a dress code, even if no one actually sees you, is important. During her first few months working online from home, she’d started working around 11:00 a.m. and eat at her computer. She loved sitting on the bed next to her newborn daughter typing away in her baggy pants and sloppy tee. She found herself slouching at the computer or leaning back against the headboard as if she were reading a great book instead of creating a marketing copy. Then one day, she got an email from the marketing company that she’d been working for, asking her to meet their team in a Skype conference call. “For the first time since leaving the office, I jumped up to look at myself in the mirror. I looked like a caricature of a cartoon fish wife. I didn’t want anyone to see me looking like that! “That day was when I admitted to myself that I needed to get a regular routine and start dressing as if I were at my own office instead of sitting in my bedroom. And, dressing appropriately every day has made a huge difference in my business.” Putting on a minimum of make-up such as eye shadow, lipstick and blush will make you feel completely dressed. You’ll stop slouching while working online. The quality of your work will be noticeably better. Your productivity will increase. Your self-esteem and self-confidence will become your greatest asset. You’ll force yourself to behave professionally. You don’t need to wear an outfit that you would actually wear to an outside office but you do need to dress appropriately for a casual day at that office. To that end, wearing dark-colored jeans, flats, blouses instead of tee-shirts, or comfortable dresses is sufficient.
Have a fab weekend my beautiful ones! xoxo .

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